Monday 19 December 2011

Superman and Christina

Just to let you know, I do not own this story.  Copyrights go to RobN1. 

Chapter 1


Superman – Played by Dean Cain

Christina Aguilera – Appears as herself

Superman flew out of the boundaries of Metropolis. The sky glistened with infinite stars but it was not a beautiful night. Whilst the world slept, Superman was on the trail of his arch-enemy – the evil Villainess: Christina Aguilera.

It was while he was in his apartment. Clark had been sitting there, idly skimming through the channels when his super hearing had been alerted to a voice. A smooth, sexy, seductive but evil voice transmitted at a frequency so high that only he could hear it.

"You're feeling extremely sexy tonight Superman aren't you? But where's Lois? Have you wondered why she's not home yet? You're so handsome Superman, you need some company".

For a moment it was almost as if he could visualise the face of his nemesis, as if Christina was standing in front of him taunting him. He hadn't been unduly concerned about Lois's lateness. She was often held up at meetings at the Daily Planet and as a naturally forgetful person Clark had just assumed she had neglected to tell him again.

But the sound of Christina's voice disturbed him. How did she know Lois wasn't here? Why would she taunt him like that unless she had motive for doing so? With all these questions gradually enveloping and confusing his mind, Clark felt he was left with no alternative but to investigate and stripped to his Superman costume and began his flight to the lair of the evil Christina.

Superman and Christina's rivalry went back a long way. She had pursued him relentlessly, and when he rejected her for Lois Lane, her anger was such that she had vowed to make Superman and the rest of the world pay for what she saw as a humiliation. Her philosophy was that she was beautiful and powerful enough to get any man – including Superman. That she had lost him was the central motivation in her evil. She was a truly despicable mind, capable of the most devious plots, although so far, Superman had thwarted them all.

And as Superman flew to her lair that was what was in his mind – that this was just routine. He was of course not a complacent Superhero; there was no one with greater will and mental resolve as Superman. But of course, there is a first time for everything.

He approached the island where her evil lair was located. A large complex with a glass building and a notorious torture chamber, which Superman had regularly rescued a poor police chief from. That she had Metropolis police in her pocket was one of the reasons she had grown so rich and powerful – the police were frightened of her, and there was thus only one man who could stop her: Superman.

He swooped through the palm trees and walked up to the central building. Her two guards – Britney and Anastacia – approached him at the gate with electro guns. Superman scoffed and laughed at their weapons.

"You think that mere guns can stop my entrance into this Lair, and seizure of your boss. Get out of my way, before I freeze you".

The two guards backed away and Superman nodded to each of them ironically. Anastacia looked at him and smiled back with a wink.

"Strange", thought Superman, "Normally they are so intimidated by me, and yet she seems so confident".

He decided to be extra vigilant, as he did not know what to expect when he reached Christina. Maybe Anastacia knew something he didn't. Maybe she was just being overconfident and arrogant about whatever devious scheme Christina had devised.

The Lair itself was a labyrinth of glass corridors. As he entered the building, he crossed over a marble bridge which arched over the clearest water he'd ever seen. He strolled with grandeur, his cape billowing behind him as he strolled down the long corridor which would bring him to the heavy lead door – the entrance to the evil nerve centre of Christina's lair.

He approached the door, and smirked to himself. "She must be so stupid. She thinks that hiding behind lead, the only material my x-ray vision won't penetrate is going to conceal her. It's so sad really". Superman chuckled. As he did so, the light above him fizzled and flickered momentarily. With one push of his mighty hand, the door fell off its hinges and onto the floor. The room he walked into was pitch black.

As he walked in, he was stopped in his tracks by iron bars. He had walked straight into a cage, which had been built around the door. A sheet of iron bars dropped behind him, to complete the cage and fill in the gap that the fallen door had left. He stepped back and shook his head. He could barely believe how silly this all was. Was this all her new plot amounted to? A weedy iron cage which could never hope to hold him? "Oh well," thought Superman, "I suppose I'd better humour her".

There was a clanking of metal in the background and the large control centre was suddenly flooded with light. At the top of a spiral staircase stood the most evil woman in the world – Christina Aguilera.

"Ah Superman. I've been expecting you. You only had to knock you know. You didn't have to kick the door down."

Superman laughed and watched her slowly shimmy her way down the staircase. All things considered, she was still an absolutely beautiful woman, a true goddess in terms of her looks. Her diabolical personality let her down though.

She swished down the stairs and Superman admired her form. She was gorgeous, wearing yellow and black leather chaps which revealed a black leather thong, and she had topped it off with a black leather bra. Her blonde locks fell over her shoulders and she moved towards the cage, standing hands on hips in front of Superman, behind his bars.

"Welcome to my lair Superman. I see you've settled in already!", she laughed, throwing her head back in apparent glee.

Superman was totally perplexed. He didn't trust her and was never complacent, but she seemed to genuinely believe that she had trapped him, even though she surely must have known her cage was futile. Superman went with his basic instinct – that Christina was actually that stupid and that he had her completely over a barrel, and would totally humiliate her.

"You crazy bitch Aguilera. You really think that these bars will hold me?"

Christina watched as Superman's body, form and muscles bulged inside that skintight Lycra suit, his chest muscles rippling inside the big "S". As he pulled the bars wide apart with his bare hands, using his superhuman strength, she admired the bulge in his red pants and stepped back as he ripped open the cage she had placed around him and stepped out to stand in front of her, his hands on his hips and a proud, smug look on his face. She didn't appear too fazed by what was on the face of it a pretty dangerous situation. She was mortal after all, and to be stuck with a vengeful Superman seemed as though it would be her end. She smiled at him and tilted her head.

"Very impressive Super-baby", she grinned, almost seductively.

He stepped threateningly towards her, and in a low voice growled: "Enough of this. What the hell's going on? What have you done with Lois? Why call me here? What have you got up your sleeves this time?"

"So many questions", replied Christina, "Why don't we put our feet up and discuss it over a drink?"

He grabbed her arm forcefully, and she seemed to get a thrill out of his dominance, grinning with a truly devious sparkle in her eye.

"No more talk", said Superman, "Give me some answers, or I'll see you put in jail for the rest of your life."

"How about I tell you", she started, turning away from him, "whilst you fuck me from behind?".


"Come on Superman", Christina said, turning away from him and leaning over a desk in front of a giant cinema screen. She bent over, raising her arse towards him and wiggling it from side to side, all clad in beautiful leather, "I want to feel your Super-cock inside me. Take me, Superman".

He was stunned. He fancied her, and she definitely needed a good fucking from him. She was his arch enemy but what better way to put one over your rival than to severely rape her arse before defeating her by throwing her in jail. It made sense to Superman. He felt his arousal growing in his suit, a bulge forming in his red pants beneath his yellow belt.

"You're going to regret this Aguilera", he said, grabbing her hips and pressing his bulge against her black leather panties. He pulled her tight to him and leant over, beginning to kiss her neck and truly overpower her. She felt his racing, heaving chest pulsate against her back and she lifted her head, and reached out for a remote control.

"No Superman, I think you're going to be the one who regrets it", she said mysteriously.

He lifted his head and stopped kissing her, to see what she had done with the remote control. She had pressed a button which had turned the cinema screen on and something was playing on the screen. He pulled away from Aguilera as the full horror of what he was watching became clear to him. He staggered back, and Christina turned round with the most evilly seductive and despicable smile on her face. She laughed at his confusion, sat on the desk and crossed her legs, clutching her knee with her hands as she watched his face drop from one of triumph to one of disbelief.

He watched the screen. A megaton nuclear device had been planted in a secret location in Metropolis. Normally this would have been an easy rescue for Superman, but Christina Aguilera's plot had a sick twist. The camera switched to Lois Lane, strapped to a post in the desert, with another megaton bomb strapped to her stomach. Superman walked around the desk until he was directly in front of it, between the desk and the cinema screen. Christina watched him walk around and stood up, still with that wicked smile on her face. She watched him and then turned away, moving to the centre of the room, in amongst the fashionable sofas, where she sat down on a large lead chest.

The cinema screen switched off, and Superman turned to Christina with a scowl on his face: "You bitch!"

"Tempter temper Superman!", she mocked.

Superman made for the door: "I've got to save them. I've got to stop the bombs".

"Forget it Superman. Even you with your great speed can't save them both. So it's double trouble. They're set too far apart."

Superman listened with growing anger. He was red in the face and his mind was spinning with the dilemma that now faced him. He now knew that this had been her plan, and that she wanted to split his mind asunder like this. What the hell was he going to do?

"So who are you going to save Superman?", she mocked, "You can either save millions of people from death, or you can save the love of your life Lois Lane. The choice is yours."

Superman stood there, close to tears, even his Super-mind tormented by the evil villainess. He shook his head madly, blinking and waving his hands about.

"There has to be another way!".

"Maybe....", she started.

Superman started towards her but she held firm.

"You can't stop both the bombs Superman," she continued, "But I can stop both of them with my deactivator. No death, no pain, no destruction".

Superman rushed at her, grabbing her throat and raising his fist in a flash of purest anger.

"Tell me where it is Aguilera you bitch! Give me the deactivator or I'll destroy you!"

Feigning fear, Christina stroked the lead chest she was sitting on.

Superman threw her to one side and she yelped as she fell to the floor. He turned and looked down at her.

"Another mistake Aguilera. First you try and cage me in mortal bars, then you tell me where your deactivator is. So much for your big plan," he scoffed.

She leant back on her hand, with the other hand poised by her face and she chewed her finger seductively as Superman leant down to open the lead ottoman. A grin played about her lips as the chest began to open.

As it opened, shards of glowing green light poured forth from the chest as Superman threw back the lid, and then raised his hands over his eyes with a shriek of terrified pain as he realised the trap he had fallen into. He had played right into her hands. In the lead chest, was a leather collar, studded with rocks of purest KRYPTONITE! The studs spelled out one name, the name of the evil villainess and his captor: Christina.

He tried to shield himself from the kryptonite, but the rays were too powerful and he could already feel himself weakening as he staggered blindly backwards, trying to regain his composure. He was cowering, the rays of kryptonite pouring into him and beginning to strip him of his superhuman strength. He doubled over, looking between the chest and Christina, who by now had raised herself to her feet and was walking slowly towards the lead chest. She laughed and evil laugh and then bent over the box, again teasing Superman with the sight of her arse. She pulled the collar from the box and turned to face him.

"A classic case of Feminine mental strength over male muscle isn't it Superman? You fell completely into my trap. Bet you regret calling me a 'crazy bitch' now don't you?", she tormented him with a wry smile and began stalking slowly towards him.

He backed away from her, walking slowly backwards, cowering, stuttering, shaking – a shadow of his former self as he realised that Christina had won the ultimate victory over him: she was about to enslave him. She followed him, swinging her hips and oozing sex appeal.

"Pl....please", Superman stuttered, "Think of all....the poor innocent poor Lois".

"There were no bombs Superman", Christina said, "It was an elaborate illusion, spun to draw you here and trap you in a psychological web before I physically enslaved you".

He stared at her in disbelief and then reversed into a wall. Christina pressed herself up against him and pinned him to the wall. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head forward.

"That's right Superman. Bow for me. They all bow for me in the end"

He gasped, a drained, exhausted sigh as she locked the Kryptonite collar around his neck tightly and his superhuman strength was paralysed, render him as weak as a mortal man, and even weaker than that. Her plot was complete, she had trapped her man.

She stepped back and watched him.

"It suits you Superman!" she laughed. She extended her arm and pressed a finger on his shoulders. He slumped as she effortlessly pushed him to his knees in front of her, the ultimate symbol of subservience.

"Anastacia! Britney!", she suddenly called. The two sexy blonde guards suddenly appeared in the doorway, clad in head to toe black PVC catsuits and still armed with their electro guns.

"Anastacia, I want this slave undressed and prepared. Do you understand?"

Anastacia nodded. She turned to Superman and smiled and winked again. Superman suddenly realised how intricate and well organised this evil plot was to capture him. Anastacia had known about it at the door, hence her arrogant confidence.

Christina bent down and held Superman's chin up, kissing him softly on the lips and smiling.

"And while she's doing that Superman, I shall be in my chambers... preparing your bondage."

To be continued...
Written by: RobN1

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